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Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Prophet Mohammed predicts The CLimatic change in the Arab Lands

By Magdy Abd Al-shafy

Prophet Mohammed lived in the Arab Peninsula where no water except some fountains that people used to fight each other for. Prophet Mohammed told his companions a historical fact and a prophecy that would take place in the future.

Prophet Mohammed said:

"The Hour will not be established till the land of the Arabs becomes pastures and rivers as it used to be." Sahih Muslim

So were there any rivers and pastures in the Arab lands?

The answer is plain" Yes"

In 1972, the first space ship, while searching for oil, sent some pictures of the Empty Quarter that encompass the Arab Peninsula, these pictures showed long dry beds of rivers and lakes . Later, excavation began in the desert of Empty Quarter and the result was amazing; they found fossil for animals and marine animals- an indication of the existence of water.

Scientists are,now, talking about a new theory about the cycle of weather fluctuation, according to this theory the axis of the earth rotation and the inclination angel affect the weather a great deal, so they are of the opinion that the earth had faced different glacial eras in its geological history. According to this theory. scientists are sure that the desert of Empty Quarter was a rainy area with rivers and vast areas of animals pastures.

An American scientist led an excavation team and they started their work in Oman and the Empty Quarter. They have became sure that the Arab Peninsula was once covered with pastures and many rivers.

Michael Grimsdale says:

That (rivers )they once slaked the thirst of man and beast - including hippopotamus, water buffalo and long-horned cattle - seems certain. The long-ago presence of hippos is attested by finds of their fossilized teeth, so pristine they might have been lost just yesterday. The fossilized bones of water buffalo and long-horned cattle, as well as of wild asses, wild goats or sheep, oryx, gazelle, and possibly camels and hartebeest, have all also been found in the petrified lake mud. Clam shells are in evidence, too, hundreds of kilometers from the nearest modern coast. Chipped-stone tools are scattered in the vicinity.

In the Empty Qurater, scientists stumbled over a village that remained under the sand for a long time, excavation in this city mined primitive tools used in haunting, many other things such as pottery were found.

Dr Farouk AL-Baz, the manager of far sensing institute in Boston university, supports the same fact. " Our research and far sensing tools showed a river which was 800 km long and 8 km wide and, he says, this stemmed from Al-Hagaz mountains and kept meandering through the desert till it met the Arab Gulf."

A satellite picture of the Arab lands shows traces of ancient rivers as the prophet says.

Surveying the area of the Arab peninsula showed pictures of large stock of water at a far depth and this is evidence to ancient rainy ages in this area. Deap water stocks are always evidence to rainy geological ages.

More excavation in the area mined trees fossill and animals of different kinds. This proves that Prophet's words concerning the history of the Arab Peninsula is true and that he is true prophet from God as Nasa pictures, observations, calculations and excavations proved that the Empty Quarter was once filled with rivers and pastures.

The second part of the Hadith is a prophecy that scientists began to talk about; the prophet says that the Arabs land will become pastures and rivers again. It is known that much of the underground water is used in planting the Arab lands , Even there is large areas of vegetation in the Empty Qurater. Dr Zanadany comments on this saying that planting the Arab land depending on the underground water is a fulfillment of the prophecy in this Hadith.

The once-barren land is showered with snow

Most scientists, among them non Muslim, are talking about climatic changes that will sweep the earth and there will be changes in the weather of the world, the Arab lands weather will be mild and rains will fell down in large quantities. The heat waves that hit Europe is also a sign of climatic changes in the world. Moreover ;the heavy rain that fell on the Arab peninsula preclude a rainy age in the Arab Peninsula.( DR Zagloul Alnagar)

The global warming and the nuclear experiments many be among the reasons of the expected climatic changes.

Other western scientists are now studying the probabilities of a new glacial age that will hit Europe and USA and they are sure this will inevitably happen. Moreover, hails began to fall down on the north and the south of the Arab lands, this was unprecedented.

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