| Let us to stop and look attentively at our universe ,and to compare its size and age with our size and age, to understand the smallness of that arrogant human and that he is nothing in front of the creator be He blessed and exalted …. | Read more... | Behind a great verse, there is a hidden signal to the speed of light. Recently that signal was discovered by scientists, God says :( And verily, a day with your Lord is as a thousand years of what you reckon.)…. | Read more... | This is a journey of faith through Creation of Human…Allah says: " and see how (Allah) originated the creation, …. | Read more...  | New discoveries come always to validate what the Quran brought fourteen centuries ago. Let us visualize these miracles in the ants’ world, and how did the Quran speak about them.…. | Read more...  | Scientists discovered that universe is not quiet as we imagine, but stars explode and swallow planets, it is the opposite of the precision of our solar system, it was scientific news, let us read…. | Read more... | Every time when scientists discover a scientific fact or invent any apparatus, we find that Qur’an has already precisely spoken about it. How wouldn’t it be so, and it is the Book of miracles and facts… | Read more...  | Earth is smaller than the Sun by three hundred thousand times, but imagine if earth was the same size as the sun.... then life would be impossible. Hence this is a grace from Allah…. | Read more... | How could listening to the verses of Allah affect the brain cells? What's the scientific explanation to this phenomenon? Is there a hidden energy in the Holy Quran? Let's read….…. | Read more...  | Many thanks for God. We receive many E- mails form many people who thanks us for these articles in our website as it was a main reason in guiding them to the straight way, therefore we present some stories as an example and a sermon to realize the importance of that science in calling for God. …. | Read more...  | Now, western countries had started to realize secrets of optimism and its medical and psychological benefits especially for woman, knowing that Islam instructed us to be optimistic before 14 centuries …. | Read more...  | "Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kind to parents"…. | Read more... | The study concluded that social networking in the workplace may affect positively the final outcome of the company production.…. | Read more... | "A strong believer is better and is loved by Allah than a weak believer and there is goodness in each".…. | Read more...  | "And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves" …. | Read more...  | "Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; …. | Read more... |
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